Headshot of Aiann Oishi

Hello. I'm a designer with a passion for making things accessible.

I've worked with some amazing organizations and people:

photo: 2017/2018 annual report for ErinoakKids

ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development

Project: Annual Report

ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development is Ontario’s largest children’s treatment centre, serving almost 17,000 children and youth annually who have physical and developmental disabilities, autism, communication disorders, and vision or hearing loss.

The 2017/2018 theme, Reaching New Heights is about both the milestones achieved in client care and the completion of ErinoakKids' redevelopment. Playful colours and illustrations invite readers in to take a closer look. The clear layout and legible typesetting optimize the report's readability.

Dimensions & Format: 8.5 inches by 11 inches, Double Gate Fold

photo: trifold brochure promoting workshops for ErinoakKids clients

Project: Workshop Brochures

In addition to core services, ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development offers education sessions for parents to help their child reach their therapy goals. Sessions are offered throughout the year at three sites - Brampton, Halton and Mississuaga.

The workshop brochures were designed for the ErinoakKids Communications Department and are updated quarterly.

Dimensions & Format: 8.5 inches by 11 inches, Trifold

photo: digital toolkit for building a better business case for web accessibility

Web ABC (Accessibility Business Case) Toolkit

Project: Graduate Capstone | View Online Toolkit

Web ABC Toolkit was developed as a year-long, capstone project for Accessible Media Production, a graduate certificate program at Mohawk College. The project brings together a year of learning outcomes such as understanding barriers on the web and applying inclusive design practices.

The tooklit identifies which four factors (social, technical, financial, legal and policy) to focus on, to build a better business case for web accessibility. The website meets WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards and offers content in a variety of accessible formats.

Read the blog post for the toolkit's development and launch at the 10th Annual Accessibility Conference in Guelph.

Published: Spring 2018

photo: menu and donation card for 2017 Moving Affair Gala

Shelter Movers

Project: Menu & Donation Card for Annual Gala Event

Shelter Movers is a volunteer-based organization that provides moving and storage services at no cost to women and children experiencing abuse. Shelter Movers collaborates with community partners in Ottawa and Toronto to help families transition to a life free of abuse.

A Moving Affair is Shelter Movers' annual black tie gala - the November 2017 event was held at the iconic Capitol Theatre in Toronto. As a volunteer member of the Marketing and Communications team, I designed the gala's menu, along with a donation card (that could also be distributed at future events).

Executive Director: Marc Hull-Jacquin | Gala Chair: Nicole Carpentier
Menu & Donation Card Design: Aiann Oishi

photo: website for the Better Now book

Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care
for All Canadians

Project: Website for Book Launch | 6BigIdeas.ca

Dr. Danielle Martin is a family physician in Toronto and Vice President of Medical Affairs and Health System Solutions at Women's College Hospital (WCH). In Better Now, she outlines "Six Big Ideas" to improve Canada’s health care system.

The website was critical to promoting the book prior to its release on January 10, 2017. Borrowing key visuals from the book jacket design, the site uses single-page scrolling and a minimal menu to create a bold user experience.

Web Content: Strategic Communications (WCH)
Web Design & Development: Aiann Oishi
CMS Deployment & Support: MODX

graphic: sample from the Women's College Hospital annual report

Women's College Hospital

Project: 2017 Access & Innovation Report | View Online Report

Women's College Hospital (WCH) is Canada's leading academic, ambulatory hospital and a world leader in women's health. WCH is breaking barriers to improve heathcare access for everyone.

The 2017 Access & Innovation Report is Women's College Hospital's first fully digital annual report. The mobile-friendly website features videos with patient stories and a live Twitter feed. The website can also be translated in over 100 languages. Graphics in the hospital's bright colours add vibrancy to figures such as the number of patient visits and community partners.

Web Content: Strategic Communications (WCH) | Videos: Freshsox
Web Design & Development: Aiann Oishi
CMS Deployment & Support: MODX